2012년 3월 25일 일요일

eng] somebody calls for an exterminater?

starcraft  대사

테란 유닛의 대사 모음                                                   
SCV good to go, sir.             Reporting for duty                      
SCV 출동 준비 끝!                임무 수행 준비 끝!                      
Job finished..                   Orders received. Roger that             
임무 완수, 작업 완료.            명령 접수 되었음. 알겠습니다!           
                                 I can't build it someone's in the way   
                                 누군가 길을 막아 건물을 지을 수 없습니다
Let's move.                      Checked up and good to go.              
이동하자! 움직여!                확인 끝. 출동 준비 끝.                  
Rock'n roll.                     Give me somebody to shoot.              
출동!, 신나게 출동!              제거할 녀석 없습니까?                   
Outstanding.                     Who wanna be a piece of meat, boy       
놀랐습니다!                      누가 작살나길 원하는냐?                 
Standing back.                                                           
준비 완료!                                                               
Go, go, go!                                                              
잽싸게 움직이란 말야!,                                                   
빨리 움직여!                                                             
Need a Light?                   You got my attention.                    
태워버릴 것이 필요합니까?       신경 쓰이게 하네.                        
Let's burn.                     Fire it up.                              
태워버리자.                     태워버려!                                
Who wanna yurn a be heated?                                              
누가 열 좀 받고 싶어?                                                    
Ghost reporting.                Call the shoot.                          
고스트가 보고한다.              한방 먹이자.                             
Never know I'm here.            I'm Here.                                
내가 여기 있는걸 절대 모를걸.   고스트 여기 있음.                        
I Hear That.                    Somebody calls for an Exterminater?      
알아들었음.                     누구 확실하게 끝내줄 사람이 필요합니까?  
*시즈 탱크                                                               
Yes, sir.                       Move it.                                 
네, 대장님!                     이동!                                    
Go, Siege.                      Absolutly.                               
시즈 탱크 출동!                 완벽하게                                 
Oestination.                    Eradiate, sir.                           
공격 목표는?                    초토화하겠습니다, 대장님!                
Goliath, on-line.               Target Oestination.                      
송신 준비 완료, 골리앗!         공격 목표는?                             
Coming on-line.                 Go Ahead, Tech on.                       
송신이 오고 있음.               촐동하겠음.                              
System functional.              Confirmed.                               
시스템 작동중.                  확인됨.                                  
Go Ahead, Commander.            Attack Formation.                        
알았습니다, 대장님.             공격 편대 준비!                          
Transmit coordinate.            Report again.                            
좌표 확인!                      송신 받았음.                             
Standing Back.                  Wraith don't waiting up to orders.       
일단 뒤로 물러서겠음.           레이스는 명령을 기다리지 않는다.         
*드랍 십                                                                 
Can I Take Orders?              Oestination?                             
명령 수행 준비 완료!            목적지는?                                
In transfer HQ.                 Buckle up.                               
수송중임, 사령부.               안전벨트 착용.                           
I Copy That.                    Strap yourselves in, boys.               
명령 접수했음.                  꽉 잡으세요.                             
In the by, by, by, by.                                                   
Good day, Commander.            Set a course.                            
안녕하십니까? 대장님.           항로를 맞춰라.                           
Receiving transmission.         Make it Happen.                          
명령을 수행하겠음.              수행하겠습니다.                          
Take it slow.                   Battlecruiser Operational.               
천천히 움직여.                  배틀크루저 출동 준비끝.                  
Got Cagey                                                                
신중하게 해                                                              

알긴 알았었는데.


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