API Design Guidelines
찾아쓰는 사전 정렬법
Aug 10. 2016
이 글에서는 여기를 짚어보려고 합니다.
API는 프로그래밍에서 가장 중요합니다.
facilitate use as a quick reference, the details of many guidelines can
be expanded individually. Details are never hidden when this page is
Table of Contents
Naming Promote Clear Usage Strive for Fluent Usage Use Terminology Well
Promote Clear Usage
Strive for Fluent Usage
Use Terminology Well
Conventions General Conventions Parameters Argument Labels
General Conventions
Argument Labels
Special Instructions
at the point of use is your most important goal. Entities such as
methods and properties are declared only once but used repeatedly.
Design APIs to make those uses clear and concise. When evaluating a
design, reading a declaration is seldom sufficient; always examine a use
case to make sure it looks clear in context.
is more important than brevity. Although Swift code can be compact, it
is anon-goal to enable the smallest possible code with the fewest
characters. Brevity in Swift code, where it occurs, is a side-effect of
the strong type system and features that naturally reduce boilerplate.
a documentation comment for every declaration. Insights gained by
writing documentation can have a profound impact on your design, so
don’t put it off. If you are having trouble describing your
API’s functionality in simple terms, you may have designed the wrong
API. Use Swift’s dialect of Markdown.
Begin with a summary that describes the entity
being declared. Often, an API can be completely understood from its
declaration and its summary. /// Returns a "view"
of `self` containing the same elements in/// reverse order.func
reversed() -> ReverseCollection
Focus on
the summary; it’s the most important part. Many excellent documentation
comments consist of nothing more than a great summary.
Use a single sentence
fragment if possible, ending with a period. Do not use a complete
sentence. Describe what a
function or method does and what it returns, omitting null effects
and Void returns: /// Inserts `newHead`
at the beginning of `self`.mutating func prepend(_ newHead: Int)///
Returns a `List` containing `head` followed by the elements/// of
`self`.func prepending(_ head: Element) -> List/// Removes and
returns the first element of `self` if non-empty;/// returns `nil`
otherwise.mutating func popFirst() -> Element?
Note: in rare cases like popFirst above,
the summary is formed of multiple sentence fragments separated by
semicolons. Describe what a
subscript accesses: /// Accesses the
`index`th element.subscript(index: Int) -> Element { get set }
Describe what
an initializer creates: /// Creates an
instance containing `n` repetitions of `x`.init(count n: Int,
repeatedElement x: Element)
For all other
declarations, describe what the declared entity is.
/// A collection that supports equally
efficient insertion/removal/// at any position.struct List { /// The
element at the beginning of `self`, or `nil` if self is /// empty. var
first: Element? ...
continue with one or more paragraphs and bullet items. Paragraphs are
separated by blank lines and use complete sentences.
/// Writes the textual representation of each ←
Summary/// element of `items` to the standard output.///
← Blank line/// The textual
representation for each item `x` ← Additional discussion/// is
generated by the expression `String(x)`.////// - Parameter separator:
text to be printed ⎫/// between items.
⎟/// - Parameter terminator: text to be
printed ⎬ Parameters section/// at the end.
⎭/// - Note: To print
without a trailing ⎫/// newline, pass `terminator: ""`
⎟/// ⎬ Symbol
commands/// - SeeAlso: `CustomDebugStringConvertible`, ⎟///
`CustomStringConvertible`, `debugPrint`. ⎭public func print( _
items: Any..., separator: String = " ", terminator: String = "\n")
recognized symbol documentation markup elements to add information
beyond the summary, whenever appropriate.
Know and use recognized
bullet items with symbol command syntax.Popular development tools such
as Xcode give special treatment to bullet items that start with the
following keywords:
Author Authors
Copyright Date
Invariant Note
Postcondition Precondition
Returns SeeAlso
Todo Version
Use Swift’s dialect of Markdown.
with a summary that describes the entity being declared. Often, an API
can be completely understood from its declaration and its summary.
/// Returns a "view" of `self` containing the same
elements in/// reverse order.func reversed() -> ReverseCollection
Focus on
the summary; it’s the most important part. Many excellent documentation
comments consist of nothing more than a great summary.
Use a single sentence
fragment if possible, ending with a period. Do not use a complete
sentence. Describe what a
function or method does and what it returns, omitting null effects
and Void returns: /// Inserts `newHead`
at the beginning of `self`.mutating func prepend(_ newHead: Int)///
Returns a `List` containing `head` followed by the elements/// of
`self`.func prepending(_ head: Element) -> List/// Removes and
returns the first element of `self` if non-empty;/// returns `nil`
otherwise.mutating func popFirst() -> Element?
Note: in rare cases like popFirst above,
the summary is formed of multiple sentence fragments separated by
semicolons. Describe what a
subscript accesses: /// Accesses the
`index`th element.subscript(index: Int) -> Element { get set }
Describe what
an initializer creates: /// Creates an
instance containing `n` repetitions of `x`.init(count n: Int,
repeatedElement x: Element)
For all other
declarations, describe what the declared entity is.
/// A collection that supports equally
efficient insertion/removal/// at any position.struct List { /// The
element at the beginning of `self`, or `nil` if self is /// empty. var
first: Element? ...
on the summary; it’s the most important part. Many excellent
documentation comments consist of nothing more than a great summary.
Use a single sentence fragment if possible, ending with a period. Do not use a complete sentence.
what a function or method does and what it returns, omitting null
effects and Void returns: /// Inserts
`newHead` at the beginning of `self`.mutating func prepend(_ newHead:
Int)/// Returns a `List` containing `head` followed by the elements///
of `self`.func prepending(_ head: Element) -> List/// Removes and
returns the first element of `self` if non-empty;/// returns `nil`
otherwise.mutating func popFirst() -> Element?
Note: in rare cases like popFirst above,
the summary is formed of multiple sentence fragments separated by
what a subscript accesses: ///
Accesses the `index`th element.subscript(index: Int) -> Element { get
set }
what an initializer creates: ///
Creates an instance containing `n` repetitions of `x`.init(count n: Int,
repeatedElement x: Element)
all other declarations, describe what the declared entity is.
/// A collection that supports equally
efficient insertion/removal/// at any position.struct List { /// The
element at the beginning of `self`, or `nil` if self is /// empty. var
first: Element? ...
continue with one or more paragraphs and bullet items. Paragraphs are
separated by blank lines and use complete sentences.
/// Writes the textual representation of each ←
Summary/// element of `items` to the standard output.///
← Blank line/// The textual
representation for each item `x` ← Additional discussion/// is
generated by the expression `String(x)`.////// - Parameter separator:
text to be printed ⎫/// between items.
⎟/// - Parameter terminator: text to be
printed ⎬ Parameters section/// at the end.
⎭/// - Note: To print
without a trailing ⎫/// newline, pass `terminator: ""`
⎟/// ⎬ Symbol
commands/// - SeeAlso: `CustomDebugStringConvertible`, ⎟///
`CustomStringConvertible`, `debugPrint`. ⎭public func print( _
items: Any..., separator: String = " ", terminator: String = "\n")
recognized symbol documentation markup elements to add information
beyond the summary, whenever appropriate.
Know and use recognized
bullet items with symbol command syntax.Popular development tools such
as Xcode give special treatment to bullet items that start with the
following keywords:
Author Authors
Copyright Date
Invariant Note
Postcondition Precondition
Returns SeeAlso
Todo Version
recognized symbol documentation markup elements to add information
beyond the summary, whenever appropriate.
and use recognized bullet items with symbol command syntax.Popular
development tools such as Xcode give special treatment to bullet items
that start with the following keywords:
Author Authors
Copyright Date
Invariant Note
Postcondition Precondition
Returns SeeAlso
Todo Version
Promote Clear Usage
all the words needed to avoid ambiguity for a person reading code where
the name is used. For example, consider a method that removes
the element at a given position within a collection.
extension List { public mutating func remove(at position:
Index) -> Element}employees.remove(at: x) If we were to
omit the word at from the method signature, it could imply to the reader
that the method searches for and removes an element equal to x, rather
than usingx to indicate the position of the element to remove.
employees.remove(x) // unclear: are we removing x?
needless words. Every word in a name should convey salient information
at the use site. More words may be needed to clarify intent or
disambiguate meaning, but those that are redundant with information the
reader already possesses should be omitted. In particular, omit words
that merely repeat type information. public mutating func
removeElement(_ member: Element) ->
Element?allViews.removeElement(cancelButton) In this case,
the word Element adds nothing salient at the call site. This API would
be better: public mutating func remove(_ member: Element)
-> Element?allViews.remove(cancelButton) // clearer
Occasionally, repeating type information is necessary to
avoid ambiguity, but in general it is better to use a word that
describes a parameter’s role rather than its type. See the next item for
variables, parameters, and associated types according to their
roles, rather than their type constraints. var string =
"Hello"protocol ViewController { associatedtype ViewType : View}class
ProductionLine { func restock(from widgetFactory: WidgetFactory)}
Repurposing a type name in this way fails to optimize clarity
and expressivity. Instead, strive to choose a name that expresses the
entity’s role. var greeting = "Hello"protocol
ViewController { associatedtype ContentView : View}class ProductionLine
{ func restock(from supplier: WidgetFactory)} If an
associated type is so tightly bound to its protocol constraint that the
protocol nameis the role, avoid collision by appending Type to the
associated type name: protocol Sequence { associatedtype
IteratorType : Iterator}
for weak type information to clarify a parameter’s role.
Especially when a parameter type is NSObject, Any, AnyObject,
or a fundamental type such Int or String, type information and context
at the point of use may not fully convey intent. In this example, the
declaration may be clear, but the use site is vague. func
add(_ observer: NSObject, for keyPath: String)grid.add(self, for:
graphics) // vague To restore clarity, precede each weakly
typed parameter with a noun describing its role: func
addObserver(_ observer: NSObject, forKeyPath path:
String)grid.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: graphics) // clear
Strive for Fluent Usage
method and function names that make use sites form grammatical English
phrases. x.insert(y, at: z) “x, insert y at
z”x.subViews(havingColor: y) “x's subviews having color
y”x.capitalizingNouns() “x, capitalizing nouns”
x.insert(y, position: z)x.subViews(color:
y)x.nounCapitalize() It is acceptable for fluency to degrade
after the first argument or two when those arguments are not central to
the call’s meaning: AudioUnit.instantiate( with:
description, options: [.inProcess], completionHandler:
Begin names of factory methods with “make”, e.g. x.makeIterator().
and factory method calls should form a phrase that does not include the
first argument, e.g. x.makeWidget(cogCount: 47) For example,
the phrases implied by these calls do not include the first argument:
let foreground = Color(red: 32, green: 64, blue: 128)let
newPart = factory.makeWidget(gears: 42, spindles: 14) In the
following, the API author has tried to create grammatical continuity
with the first argument. let foreground =
Color(havingRGBValuesRed: 32, green: 64, andBlue: 128)let newPart =
factory.makeWidget(havingGearCount: 42, andSpindleCount: 14)
In practice, this guideline along with those for argument
labels means the first argument will have a label unless the call is
performing a value preserving type conversion. let
rgbForeground = RGBColor(cmykForeground)
functions and methods according to their side-effects
Those without side-effects should read as noun phrases,
e.g. x.distance(to: y),i.successor(). Those with
side-effects should read as imperative verb phrases,
e.g., print(x),x.sort(), x.append(y). Name
Mutating/nonmutating method pairs consistently. A mutating method will
often have a nonmutating variant with similar semantics, but that
returns a new value rather than updating an instance in-place.
When the operation is naturally described
by a verb, use the verb’s imperative for the mutating method and apply
the “ed” or “ing” suffix to name its nonmutating counterpart.
z = x.sorted()
z = x.appending(y)
to name the nonmutating variant using the verb’s
past participle(usually appending “ed”):
/// Reverses `self`
in-place.mutating func reverse()/// Returns a reversed copy of
`self`.func reversed() -> Self...x.reverse()let y = x.reversed()
adding “ed” is not grammatical because the verb has a direct object,
name the nonmutating variant using the verb’s present participle, by
appending “ing.” /// Strips all the
newlines from `self`mutating func stripNewlines()/// Returns a copy of
`self` with all the newlines stripped.func strippingNewlines() ->
String...s.stripNewlines()let oneLine = t.strippingNewlines()
the operation is naturally described by a noun, use the noun for the
nonmutating method and apply the “form” prefix to name its mutating
= y.union(z) y.formUnion(z)
j = c.successor(i)
Those without side-effects should read as noun phrases, e.g. x.distance(to: y),i.successor().
Those with side-effects should read as imperative verb phrases, e.g., print(x),x.sort(), x.append(y).
Mutating/nonmutating method pairs consistently. A mutating method will
often have a nonmutating variant with similar semantics, but that
returns a new value rather than updating an instance in-place.
When the operation is naturally described
by a verb, use the verb’s imperative for the mutating method and apply
the “ed” or “ing” suffix to name its nonmutating counterpart.
z = x.sorted()
z = x.appending(y)
to name the nonmutating variant using the verb’s
past participle(usually appending “ed”):
/// Reverses `self`
in-place.mutating func reverse()/// Returns a reversed copy of
`self`.func reversed() -> Self...x.reverse()let y = x.reversed()
adding “ed” is not grammatical because the verb has a direct object,
name the nonmutating variant using the verb’s present participle, by
appending “ing.” /// Strips all the
newlines from `self`mutating func stripNewlines()/// Returns a copy of
`self` with all the newlines stripped.func strippingNewlines() ->
String...s.stripNewlines()let oneLine = t.strippingNewlines()
the operation is naturally described by a noun, use the noun for the
nonmutating method and apply the “form” prefix to name its mutating
= y.union(z) y.formUnion(z)
j = c.successor(i)
the operation is naturally described by a verb, use the verb’s
imperative for the mutating method and apply the “ed” or “ing” suffix to
name its nonmutating counterpart.
z = x.sorted()
z = x.appending(y)
to name the nonmutating variant using the verb’s
past participle(usually appending “ed”):
/// Reverses `self`
in-place.mutating func reverse()/// Returns a reversed copy of
`self`.func reversed() -> Self...x.reverse()let y = x.reversed()
adding “ed” is not grammatical because the verb has a direct object,
name the nonmutating variant using the verb’s present participle, by
appending “ing.” /// Strips all the
newlines from `self`mutating func stripNewlines()/// Returns a copy of
`self` with all the newlines stripped.func strippingNewlines() ->
String...s.stripNewlines()let oneLine = t.strippingNewlines()
to name the nonmutating variant using the verb’s
past participle(usually appending “ed”):
/// Reverses `self`
in-place.mutating func reverse()/// Returns a reversed copy of
`self`.func reversed() -> Self...x.reverse()let y = x.reversed()
adding “ed” is not grammatical because the verb has a direct object,
name the nonmutating variant using the verb’s present participle, by
appending “ing.” /// Strips all the
newlines from `self`mutating func stripNewlines()/// Returns a copy of
`self` with all the newlines stripped.func strippingNewlines() ->
String...s.stripNewlines()let oneLine = t.strippingNewlines()
the operation is naturally described by a noun, use the noun for the
nonmutating method and apply the “form” prefix to name its mutating
= y.union(z) y.formUnion(z)
j = c.successor(i)
of Boolean methods and properties should read as assertions about the
receiver when the use is nonmutating,
e.g. x.isEmpty, line1.intersects(line2).
Protocols that describe what something is should read as nouns (e.g.Collection).
that describe a capability should be named using the
suffixes able,ible, or ing (e.g. Equatable, ProgressReporting).
The names of other types, properties, variables, and constants should read as nouns.
Use Terminology WellTerm of Artnoun - a word or phrase that has a precise, specialized meaning within a particular field or profession.
obscure terms if a more common word conveys meaning just as well. Don’t
say “epidermis” if “skin” will serve your purpose. Terms of art are an
essential communication tool, but should only be used to capture crucial
meaning that would otherwise be lost.
to the established meaning if you do use a term of art. The
only reason to use a technical term rather than a more common word is
that itprecisely expresses something that would otherwise be ambiguous
or unclear. Therefore, an API should use the term strictly in accordance
with its accepted meaning. Don’t surprise an
expert: anyone already familiar with the term will be surprised and
probably angered if we appear to have invented a new meaning for it.
Don’t confuse a beginner: anyone trying to
learn the term is likely to do a web search and find its traditional
surprise an expert: anyone already familiar with the term will be
surprised and probably angered if we appear to have invented a new
meaning for it.
confuse a beginner: anyone trying to learn the term is likely to do a
web search and find its traditional meaning.
abbreviations. Abbreviations, especially non-standard ones, are
effectively terms-of-art, because understanding depends on correctly
translating them into their non-abbreviated forms. The intended
meaning for any abbreviation you use should be easily found by a web
precedent. Don’t optimize terms for the total beginner at the expense
of conformance to existing culture. It is better to name a
contiguous data structure Array than to use a simplified term such
as List, even though a beginner might grasp of the meaning of List more
easily. Arrays are fundamental in modern computing, so every programmer
knows—or will soon learn—what an array is. Use a term that most
programmers are familiar with, and their web searches and questions will
be rewarded. Within a particular programming domain, such as
mathematics, a widely precedented term such as sin(x) is preferable to
an explanatory phrase such
asverticalPositionOnUnitCircleAtOriginOfEndOfRadiusWithAngle(x). Note
that in this case, precedent outweighs the guideline to avoid
abbreviations: although the complete word is sine, “sin(x)” has been in
common use among programmers for decades, and among mathematicians for
General Conventions
the complexity of any computed property that is not O(1). People often
assume that property access involves no significant computation, because
they have stored properties as a mental model. Be sure to alert them
when that assumption may be violated.
methods and properties to free functions. Free functions are used only
in special cases: When there’s no
obvious self: min(x, y, z)
When the function is an unconstrained
generic: print(x)
When function syntax is part of the
established domain notation: sin(x)
When there’s no obvious self: min(x, y, z)
When the function is an unconstrained generic: print(x)
When function syntax is part of the established domain notation: sin(x)
case conventions. Names of types and protocols are UpperCamelCase.
Everything else is lowerCamelCase. Acronyms and
initialisms that commonly appear as all upper case in American English
should be uniformly up- or down-cased according to case conventions:
var utf8Bytes: [UTF8.CodeUnit]var isRepresentableAsASCII =
truevar userSMTPServer: SecureSMTPServer Other acronyms
should be treated as ordinary words: var radarDetector:
RadarScannervar enjoysScubaDiving = true
can share a base name when they share the same basic meaning or when
they operate in distinct domains. For example, the following is
encouraged, since the methods do essentially the same things:
extension Shape { /// Returns `true` iff `other` is within
the area of `self`. func contains(_ other: Point) -> Bool { ... }
/// Returns `true` iff `other` is entirely within the area of `self`.
func contains(_ other: Shape) -> Bool { ... } /// Returns `true`
iff `other` is within the area of `self`. func contains(_ other:
LineSegment) -> Bool { ... }} And since geometric types
and collections are separate domains, this is also fine in the same
program: extension Collection where Element : Equatable {
/// Returns `true` iff `self` contains an element equal to ///
`sought`. func contains(_ sought: Element) -> Bool { ... }}
However, these index methods have different semantics, and
should have been named differently: extension Database {
/// Rebuilds the database's search index func index() { ... } ///
Returns the `n`th row in the given table. func index(_ n: Int, inTable:
TableID) -> TableRow { ... }} Lastly, avoid “overloading
on return type” because it causes ambiguities in the presence of type
inference. extension Box { /// Returns the `Int` stored in
`self`, if any, and /// `nil` otherwise. func value() -> Int? {
... } /// Returns the `String` stored in `self`, if any, and /// `nil`
otherwise. func value() -> String? { ... }}
func move(from start: Point, to end: Point)
parameter names to serve documentation. Even though parameter names do
not appear at a function or method’s point of use, they play an
important explanatory role. Choose these names to make
documentation easy to read. For example, these names make documentation
read naturally: /// Return an `Array` containing the
elements of `self`/// that satisfy `predicate`.func filter(_ predicate:
(Element) -> Bool) -> [Generator.Element]/// Replace the given
`subRange` of elements with `newElements`.mutating func replaceRange(_
subRange: Range, with newElements: [E]) These, however, make
the documentation awkward and ungrammatical: /// Return an
`Array` containing the elements of `self`/// that satisfy
`includedInResult`.func filter(_ includedInResult: (Element) -> Bool)
-> [Generator.Element]/// Replace the range of elements indicated by
`r` with/// the contents of `with`.mutating func replaceRange(_ r:
Range, with: [E])
advantage of defaulted parameters when it simplifies common uses. Any
parameter with a single commonly-used value is a candidate for a
default. Default arguments improve readability by hiding
irrelevant information. For example: let order =
lastName.compare( royalFamilyName, options: [], range: nil, locale:
nil) can become the much simpler: let order =
lastName.compare(royalFamilyName) Default arguments are
generally preferable to the use of method families, because they impose a
lower cognitive burden on anyone trying to understand the API.
extension String { /// ...description... public func
compare( _ other: String, options: CompareOptions = [], range:
Range? = nil, locale: Locale? = nil ) -> Ordering} The
above may not be simple, but it is much simpler than:
extension String { /// ...description 1... public func
compare(_ other: String) -> Ordering /// ...description 2... public
func compare(_ other: String, options: CompareOptions) -> Ordering
/// ...description 3... public func compare( _ other: String,
options: CompareOptions, range: Range) -> Ordering ///
...description 4... public func compare( _ other: String, options:
StringCompareOptions, range: Range, locale: Locale) -> Ordering}
Every member of a method family needs to be separately
documented and understood by users. To decide among them, a user needs
to understand all of them, and occasional surprising relationships—for
example, foo(bar: nil) and foo() aren’t always synonyms—make this a
tedious process of ferreting out minor differences in mostly identical
documentation. Using a single method with defaults provides a vastly
superior programmer experience.
to locate parameters with defaults toward the end of the parameter
list. Parameters without defaults are usually more essential to the
semantics of a method, and provide a stable initial pattern of use where
methods are invoked.
Argument Labels
func move(from start: Point, to end: Point)x.move(from: x, to: y)
Omit all labels when arguments can’t be usefully distinguished, e.g.min(number1, number2), zip(sequence1, sequence2).
initializers that perform value preserving type conversions, omit the
first argument label, e.g. Int64(someUInt32) The first argument
should always be the source of the conversion. extension
String { // Convert `x` into its textual representation in the given
radix init(_ x: BigInt, radix: Int = 10) ← Note the initial
underscore}text = "The value is: "text += String(veryLargeNumber)text +=
" and in hexadecimal, it's"text += String(veryLargeNumber, radix: 16)
In “narrowing” type conversions, though, a label that
describes the narrowing is recommended. extension UInt32 {
/// Creates an instance having the specified `value`. init(_ value:
Int16) ← Widening, so no label /// Creates an instance
having the lowest 32 bits of `source`. init(truncating source: UInt64)
/// Creates an instance having the nearest representable ///
approximation of `valueToApproximate`. init(saturating
valueToApproximate: UInt64)} A value preserving type
conversion is a monomorphism, i.e. every difference in the value of the
source results in a difference in the value of the result. For example,
conversion from Int8 to Int64 is value preserving because every
distinct Int8 value is converted to a distinct Int64 value. Conversion
in the other direction, however, cannot be value preserving: Int64 has
more possible values than can be represented in an Int8. Note:
the ability to retrieve the original value has no bearing on whether a
conversion is value preserving.
the first argument forms part of a prepositional phrase, give it an
argument label. The argument label should normally begin at
the preposition, e.g.x.removeBoxes(havingLength: 12). An
exception arises when the first two arguments represent parts of a
single abstraction. a.move(toX: b, y: c)a.fade(fromRed: b,
green: c, blue: d) In such cases, begin the argument
label after the preposition, to keep the abstraction clear.
a.moveTo(x: b, y: c)a.fadeFrom(red: b, green: c, blue: d)
if the first argument forms part of a grammatical phrase, omit its
label, appending any preceding words to the base name,
e.g. x.addSubview(y) This guideline implies that if the first
argument doesn’t form part of a grammatical phrase, it should have a
label. view.dismiss(animated: false)let text =
words.split(maxSplits: 12)let studentsByName =
students.sorted(isOrderedBefore: Student.namePrecedes) Note
that it’s important that the phrase convey the correct meaning. The
following would be grammatical but would express the wrong thing.
view.dismiss(false) Don't dismiss? Dismiss a
Bool?words.split(12) Split the number 12? Note also
that arguments with default values can be omitted, and in that case do
not form part of a grammatical phrase, so they should always have
Label all other arguments.
Special Instructions
closure parameters and tuple members where they appear in your API.
These names have explanatory power, can be referenced from
documentation comments, and provide expressive access to tuple members.
/// Ensure that we hold uniquely-referenced storage for at
least/// `requestedCapacity` elements.////// If more storage is needed,
`allocate` is called with/// `byteCount` equal to the number of
maximally-aligned/// bytes to allocate.////// - Returns:/// -
reallocated: `true` iff a new block of memory/// was allocated.///
- capacityChanged: `true` iff `capacity` was updated.mutating func
ensureUniqueStorage( minimumCapacity requestedCapacity: Int,
allocate: (byteCount: Int) -> UnsafePointer) -> (reallocated:
Bool, capacityChanged: Bool) Although when used in closures
they are technically argument labels, you should choose these labels and
use them in documentation as though they were parameter names. A call
to the closure in the function body will read consistently with a
function whose phrase starting in the base name does not include the
first argument: allocate(byteCount: newCount * elementSize)
extra care with unconstrained polymorphism (e.g. Any, AnyObject, and
unconstrained generic parameters) to avoid ambiguities in overload sets.
For example, consider this overload set: struct
Array { /// Inserts `newElement` at `self.endIndex`. public mutating
func append(_ newElement: Element) /// Inserts the contents of
`newElements`, in order, at /// `self.endIndex`. public mutating func
append(_ newElements: S) where S.Generator.Element == Element}
These methods form a semantic family, and the argument types
appear at first to be sharply distinct. However, when Element is Any, a
single element can have the same type as a sequence of elements.
var values: [Any] = [1, "a"]values.append([2, 3, 4]) // [1,
"a", [2, 3, 4]] or [1, "a", 2, 3, 4]? To eliminate the
ambiguity, name the second overload more explicitly. struct
Array { /// Inserts `newElement` at `self.endIndex`. public mutating
func append(_ newElement: Element) /// Inserts the contents of
`newElements`, in order, at /// `self.endIndex`. public mutating func
append(contentsOf newElements: S) where S.Generator.Element ==
Element} Notice how the new name better matches the
documentation comment. In this case, the act of writing the
documentation comment actually brought the issue to the API author’s
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